Young nurses tie up asylum patient


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Jack is a patient at the asylum, the two sexy nurses Nereida and Lex from the night shift take Jack the vitamins that he must take every night, he does not have an attitude to collaborate, he starts to insult the young nurses.

They decide to take their measures seeing that Jack is being very rude to them, they have to punish him so that he learns to behave, they take a straitjacket that he has for the patients, between the two of them they hold Jack and put the straitjacket on him, they manage to tie it tightly and finally they have him under their control, Jack laughs at them, tries several times to bite them, Lex to avoid it, takes off his and gags him with them, takes the white nursing bandages and wraps his mouth with many turns, then to fuck him and punish him more, the two nurses bandage his eyes and his whole head, leaving only his nose free.

Now it is something personal, the nurses want to fuck Jack, to give him a strong punishment, they take all the bandages they have and tie each leg joining the thigh with the ankle, mummifying them with the bandages and making a hogtied so that Jack can not even try to move or escape.

Finally they take a chain and tie him from the straitjacket to two rings on the wall so that he is securely anchored and tied in place, it’s amazing the restraint the young nurses put on misbehaving patients.

Jack will spend at least all night super-tied and gagged without being able to move, speak or see anything.


Jack es un paciente del asilo, las dos sexys enfermeras Nereida y Lex del turno de noche le llevan las vitaminas a Jack que debe de tomarse cada noche, él no tiene una actitud de colaborar, empieza a insultar a las jóvenes enfermeras.

Ellas deciden tomar sus medidas viendo que Jack está siendo muy maleducado con ellas, tienen que castigarlo para que aprenda a comportarse, cogen una camisa de fuerza que tiene para los pacientes, entre las dos sujetan a Jack y le ponen la camisa de fuerza, consiguen atarla bien fuerte y por fin lo tienen bajo su control, Jack se rie de ellas, intenta varias veces morderlas, Lex para evitarlo, le quita los calcetines y lo amordaza con ellos, coge las vendas blancas de enfermería y le envuelve la boca con muchas vueltas, luego para joderle y castigarlo más, las dos enfermeras le vendan los ojos y la cabeza entera, dejándole solo la nariz libre.

Ahora ya es algo personal, las enfermeras quieren joder a Jack, darle un castigo fuerte, cogen todas las vendas que tienen y le atan cada pierna juntandola el muslo con el tobillo, momificandolas con las vendas y haciendo un hogtied para que Jack no pueda ni intenta moverse ni escapar.

Finalmente cogen una cadena y lo atan de la camisa de fuerza a dos argollas de la pared para que quede bien anclado y atado en su sitio, es increíble la restricción que hacen las jóvenes enfermeras a los pacientes que se portan mal.

Jack pasará mínimo toda la noche super atado y amordazado sin poder moverse, ni hablar ni ver nada.

Related categories: Femdom, Play, Straitjacket, Tape Bondage
Keywords: lex, nereida, jack, femdom, hogtied, bound, tied up, straitjacket, nurse, tape, tape bondage, chain, metal, punishment

Published date: 5/11/2022

File Name :
File Size : 665.23 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:14:51